Sunday, September 17, 2006

Er et nytt stort Al Qaida angrep nært forestående?

I følge denne artikkelen i WorldNettDaily oppforder Al Quaida amerikanske muslimer til å forlate USA, og og spesielt New York og Washington, samtidig som det antydes et angrep som vil innebære en eller annen form for masseødleggelsesvåpen. Den pakistanske journalisten Hamid Mir som også er kilden til WorldNetDaily, har hevdet at Al Quaida allerede har smuglet koffertatomvåpen inn i USA. Også tidligere FBI rådgiver Paul L. Williams har hevdet dette. Dersom et angrep av en slik karakter ville inntreffe, vil det ha så store konsekvenser både menneskelig, politisk og økonomisk at det er vanskelig å forestille seg. Det er å håpe at dette bare er retorikk, men enkelte har hevder at det ikke er et spørsmål om, men når et angrep med masseødleggelsesvåpen vil finne sted. Se forøvrig disse linkene:

Northeast Intelligence Network publiserte følgende 18/9:
In an article provided exclusively to the Northeast Intelligence Network and Canada Free Press by Dr. Paul Williams and Mr. David Dastych on Saturday, “final preparations have been made for the next major attack on the US” identified as “American Hiroshima,” suggesting the attack will be nuclear in nature. Since we published that report, confidential sources in law enforcement positions have privately confirmed to the Northeast Intelligence Network that a "disturbing trend" is being reported on both of our borders – a pattern that is consistent with a potential nuclear attack scenario against the US. According to these sources, a "significant and alarming number" of illegal aliens attempting entry into the US, caught by border patrol agents, have been found to be carrying Potassium Iodide tablets, which are used to protect against exposure to radiation in emergency situations.*According to our sources, the illegal aliens who have been caught have been described as OTMs (other-than Mexicans), and consist primarily of Chinese and Iranian nationals on our southern border, and Asians and others from a variety of Middle Eastern countries at the US-Canadian border. Law enforcement sources providing this information to the Northeast Intelligence Network agreed that this is “a very recent phenomena,” but one that has increased to “alarming levels” and is of particular concern to government officials.


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